ESG – Responsible property investment at Aare Invest Oy

Environmental factors

Our investment strategy is based upon clean and green energy. It is also the vision of our customers. We work in long-term cooperation with our partners to guarantee sustainable innovations and infrastructures, and we strive to develop sustainable urban planning and development.

BREEAM or LEED environmental certification is applied for all our new projects. We have drawn up a green transition strategy for the years 2022–2024, the progress of which is monitored quarterly and reported annually. The goal is that in 2024, 80% of our real estate portfolio is environmentally certified and 30% of its electricity consumption comes from solar electricity.

Find out about Aare Invest sustainable development goals and ESG strategy during development projects.

Social responsibility

We take the health and well-being of property users into account when building and maintaining properties. We strive to grow our business and profitability to ensure a good future for our customers, partners, and our company. We are constantly increasing the transparency of our communication and have established good and open connections with local influencers, politicians, and officials. Our operations are guided by our ethical Code Of Conduct, and the activities of our stakeholders are directed by our Code of Business Conduct.

Management method

Our administrative services have been outsourced to the management company Meijou Oy. Meijou Oy has its own policy for the continuous development of governance.